How to Control Your Anger?
5 Quranic Tips to Control Your Anger Individuals frequently cause harm to their spirits, their connections, occupations, and individuals nearest to them angrily. For some's purposes, outrage is sensible the most heartbreaking thing in the entire world. It is not necessarily the case that we can kill the sensation of outrage from our lives. As people, it is one of the numerous feelings we experience. Notwithstanding, taking into account the harm your angry outburst could do, you should figure out how to control your annoyance! \ Control yo ur resentment Also, as usual, the Quran and The Prophet (harmony arrive) exhort us about it. A man came to the Prophet (harmony and endowments of ALLAH arrive) and said, "Guidance me," so he (harmony and gifts of ALLAH arrive) said, "Don't end up being furious." The man rehashed [his demand for counsel] a few times, and each time he (harmony and endowments of ALLAH arrive) said, "Don't end up being furious."...